Washed the girls bath with @greencarecleaning BATH AND SHOWER CLEANER

Must say I’m pretty impressed with how clean and shiny it come up it really helps remove grease and soap scum off the surfaces and leaves it smell fresh and clean
Its made with Plant based ingredients it’s also 100% biodegradable, pet friendly while being Australian owned and made.
Works straight away and continues to keeps working for 48 hours after used. You can purchase this brand from your local @bunnings or online they have a wide range of different products that are great to use around the home and office area
I just sprayed the whole bath with a few good sprays all over the surfaces leave it for a few minutes then just wipe over with a cloth then rinse with water and it comes super clean.
This product is very affordable for many households you get 750ml in the spray bottle for only $11.50 bargain