I’ve been using this dishwashing liquid from Sanicare plus for a few weeks and filled my CHUX DISHWAND that i love and use everyday its such a great all over sponge that can be used all over the house and the office space ect.
This sparkling dishwasher liquid smells so nice and fresh its highly consertrated so its lasting me a while and i have only used half of the bottle up. It's antibacterial and none toxic that works great to help remove all the grease and grim on the surface.
To use this concentrated all you have to do is diluted with 400 parts water to 1-part Sparkle with effective result Can be used on a range of items in and around your home and office
You can find this product on there website
You will pay $11.13 for a bottle
Discount code: #ROCKYMUM15 for 15% off your total order