I currently purchase a couple scrub daddy sponges from my local silly sollys store for a pretty amazing price that I couldn’t not purchase them, I have seen so many people going crazy made For these sponges not just in Australia but the UK and America stock this very well none brand that is used by many.
This sponge comes in a wide range of different colours that make cleaning around your home a lot easier and functional meaning you can use a different colour in each area of the house with having to use one around the whole house.

Ive come to know that there is wide range of different scrub daddy products available on there website that I I’ll link below soon,
Scrub daddy range is available in:
Scrub Daddy original
Scrub Daddy Colours
Scrub Daddy Lemon Fresh
Scrub Mommy
Sponge Daddy
Scour Daddy
I have currently only used 3 different once two that I purchase and one that I was gifted from a company to try out. I think there a few different that people use most in there day to day uses. My scub daddy has been a essential in my daily task around The house I use mine in my kitchen and my bathroom its such a simple easy to use sponge that gives some amazing results with out having to use all your energy cleaning and scrubbing your house.

The original scrub daddy is a great I’ve been using mine for a little while now and I love it so much I’ve used it so much in kit most days the texture of the scrubber Changes when you put it under the water between hot and cold water you can use in water for easy light scrubbing & cold water for touch grease surface ect, I used mine most days and I just rinse him out and he is all clean and ready for the next use with out leaving a smelly oders or slimy marks but leaving your surface or dishes fresh clean and shinny. You can purchase him from a few different places I found him a two of my local stores at affordable price

I was GIFTED this miracle paste called THE PINK STUFF and let me say what a great product it works so well with scrub daddy original You use these two products together a many different surfaces in and around the home
I used it with my scub daddy sponge n my kitchen sink last night after dinner he works so well with the paste after you rinse him out under hot water so he is wet apply the paste to scubber and use it as normal applying a small amount of pressure is only needed. The mix of these two products together hey remove grease grim And other dirty marks from the surfaces definitely leaves an amazing results after rinsed of with water.
I’ll be sharing another mini review on a different post on the THE PINK STUFF VERY SOON...

Another great product that the scrub daddy scrubber works will with is the FAIRY PLATINUM EASY SPRAY that you can purchase from your local supermarket that can also be used on many different surfaces around the home. Just by following the some direction as the paste but you can just spray the product on the surfaces if needed leave for a couple seconds then used scrub daddy one you have rinsed him under either hot or cold water and continues to scrub the surfaces then rinse him of with fresh water once finished
Here a few links where you can purchase the SCRUB DADDY RANGE - Catch website https://www.catch.com.au/brand/scrub-daddy/
- Kitchen Warehouse Australia https://www.kitchenwarehouse.com.au/Brands/Scrub-Daddy
- Kitncaboodle https://www.kitncaboodle.com.au/scrub-daddy-original/
SCRUB DADDY LEMON FRESH & SCRUB MOMMY mini review coming soon...
Thank you for reading my review please hit the red heart below if you liked it