I was gifted this a bottle of seeds organic PRODUCE WASH and I have been using it for a fe months now on and off cleaning my fruit and vegetable, and I must say it’s really good product

I found that it really helps remove unwanted harsh chemical that could have lended on the fruit of vegetables over the period of being around people hands.

It also helps by removing residual chemicals, waxes, bacteria & pesticides From the fruit that comes from the farmers where grown. I feel it doesn’t just clean your fruit and vegetables but helps them last a lot longer.

Im pretty impressed with this product I highly recommended trying out in your household
especially no it’s school time little ones are taking fresh produce to school in there lunch boxes so keeping there fruit fresh and clean is a must in my house.
I was all my produce has been washed and dried I then start cutting it up putting them them in a air tight containers witch keeps them even more fresher.
It’s made with plant based ingredients it is bio degradable family friendly while being non toxic it’s great food for all fruit and vegetables
You get 500ml to a bottle witch is $15.99
Discount Code: WELCOME10
and receive %10 of your total order